

Spirits Alternative

Thank you for amazing alternative to spirits

Olivia Livewire


I absolutely adore Sentia

I absolutely adore Sentia! As someone who stays sober most of the time, but used to work in bars and drink a lot, I find it a great and fun way to experiment with mixology and other flavours. It gives a wonderful 'pre-drink' feeling and helps get you into a great headspace when socialising with friends or going out. I can't recommend it enough!

Bogdan Theo


A versatile alternative to alcohol

I have started experimenting with Sentia last year and I must say that the versatility of being able to mix it with other products amazed me. I have created some already acclaimed cocktails in the sober community that I am running being constantly asked what is the base spirit used. I can strongly recommend Sentia to be stocked in every bar in the world as a great alternative to alcohol , much superior I must add as well.



I love Red

I love Red! The flavor goes perfectly with some spicy ginger beer over ice! As someone who is trying to cut back on alcohol, I find the depth of flavor to match what I’m looking for in a good cocktail. Whether it’s placebo effect, or true effect—I do find Red to have a calming “wind down” result that I’m looking for!



How do we get this in NZ?

Hi there - not a review but I love the look and idea of this product but I live in New Zealand and can’t get it here, or shipped here from the US or UK website. How can I get your product? Do you have a stockist in NZ?

Claus Pinkerneil


Kein "Schwips"

Von der beschriebenen berauschenden Wirkung dieses als Ersatzalkohol beworbenen Drinks (beinahe erwartungsgemäss) keine Spur! Ganz nett als Mixzutat für alkoholfreie Cocktails - aber letztlich für die rund EUR 70.- inclusive Importkosten aus England viel zu teuer!



Sentia Red Wirkung = 0

Nach dem die Flasche Sentia Red endlich an kam habe ich mich direkt an den Versuch gewagt und wurde bitter enttäuscht.Bei dem Preis waren die Erwartungen schon Recht hoch Gemischt habe ich es mit Tonicwater Wirkung war absolut nicht festzustellen auch nicht nach der halben Flasche.



Nicht zu Empfehlen

Am 04.03. bestellt am 14.03 angekommen. Der ganze Spaß 4 Flaschen 0,5L haben 158,44€ gekostet inkl. Versandkosten, dazu noch Zollgebühren die man beim annehmen des Pakets bezahlen muss von 15,89€, also insgesamt 174,33€ für 2 Liter. Das Zeug (Black & Red) schmeckt nach öligem Räucherstäbchen. Von der Wirkung habe ich nach 250ml nichts gemerkt.



Alcohol-like buzz without the hangover!

We have both the red and the black flavours and they are both delish; we can confirm that they definitely give you that alcohol-like buzz - highly recommend 🙂

Anne Von Riegen


Noch nicht getrunken

Noch nicht getrunken. Bestellung war innerhalb von 3 Tagen da. Bin sehr begeistert. Flasche sieht toll aus und kam gut verpackt an.



Great product

Great product. Very nice people to deal with.

David Fellows


Did nothing for me

I usually get a slight buzz from alcohol-free / 0.5% lager, maybe from association with the taste. So I was hoping this would have an effect, but found it to be a waste of time and money sadly.



Good alternative to soft drink when with boozers

Bought the red and black and took the black away for my birthday weekend with my family. I went AF 5 months ago and have no wish to drink alcohol again but I miss the feeling occasionally. I wanted a fuller bodied grown up flavoured drink rather than flavoured tonic so I could share the drinking experience. I liked the black with various mixers and the after taste worked for me; much like having an alcoholic drink. I can’t put my finger on the effect but it was pleasant and added to my evening experience. I drink quickly especially wine and fizz but a glass of black lasted me a long time because of the strong after taste. Looking forward to trying the red but will definitely buy the black again for a social occasion where others are drinking.

Linda P


Great customer service

Such a great company to deal with. My parcel was lost by the courier but customer service were so helpful & quickly sent me a replacement.

Val Jones


Disappointing for me

I bought the red & black pack of Sentia with great enthusiasm, after reading about it in the Daily Mail. I have just tried the red one neat to start with, my first thought sorry to say was cough medicine, & caught the back of my throat. So, I added tonic, still a very strange taste! But I will persevere trying different mixers. Just hoping the black is more palatable for me. Val McAlister

Philip Spensley


Perfect alternative to gin!

Nice drink,does what it says on the tin. Always reliable delivery



It works

I wanted to cut down on my alcohol consumption after undergoing treatment for cancer. While looking for an alternative I stumbled upon professor Nutt. I read all I could find on him and his studies and was fascinated, especially with his synthetic alcohol. As that seems a long way off I decided to try Sentia. I now drink Sentia red with ginger beer. It tastes delicious but more importantly I 100% feel like I’ve had 2 glasses of wine. For me it gives me that heavy limbed relaxed feeling that a couple of glasses of wine used to give me. I do though think that it works best for people who do not drink alcohol so have a lower tolerance. I have always had a lower tolerance with alcohol and maybe this is why I feel the effects. Whatever it is, thank you it works!!

Paula Adams Wickins


I discovered over the Christmas period…

I discovered over the Christmas period Sentia Spirits. I brought the red label bottle for evenings. My go to mix is fresh orange juice over ice. It’s full of herbs that are known for there health benefits and it just mellows you with out the woozy effect of alcohol. It’s a win win! Your getting boosted with antioxidants while drinking a recreational drink for pleasure.

Priya Kotecha


Really didn't like the taste of the red…

Really didn't like the taste of the red one. Not what I was expecting at all. I'd be happy to post out my opened bottle to someone who wants to try this for the cost of the post and packing only. I just fancied a non-alcoholic tipple with no sugar and couldn't find anything else so decided to give this a shot but very disappointed.

Lee Dodge


Don’t want to trash it too badly but…

Don’t want to trash it too badly but was genuinely disappointed with my red and black Sentia. Smelt great, red tasted interesting, black burnt on the way down. Would probably taste better with a mixer but wanted to sample the effect, which was me and my fellow testers feeling slightly more tired than we did at the start. No mild euphoric effect despite increasing dose and was in bed by 8pm! Really wanted it to work, seems from other reviews that its effects are not reliably replicated. Worth a try but don’t expect too much.